Thursday, January 31, 2013

My teacher made me do it

It was an assignment for one of my classes to start a blog, and it couldn't have come at a better time. Every day as a new mom, I think-I should really write this stuff down. Milestones and funny baby stories and vent, but I never actually got around to doing it. I probably should've done this a year ago, cuz I had a lot of funny preggo moments too, but never late than never.
So here's a little about me.
My name is Maryam. I'm 26, a single parent, and I have the cutest (until he starts crying) four month old (for now) baby boy named Jibrael. What kinda name is that? Glad you asked. It's the Arabic version of Gabriel. I love it. So that's what my blog will be about. My adventures with this soft, wrinkly, demanding lil guy who keeps me up all night and on my toes all day. Much to my chagrin, I've already become one of those people who only talk about their kids. You should see my facebook page. No, seriously, check it out. I'm hilarious.

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